Engineering hydrology
- 工程水文学

Design flood estimation is the key content and important part of engineering hydrology .
The main method of analysis and calculation of design flood is frequency analysis , but also the important part of the engineering hydrology which has a direct impact of the safety and investment of various projects .
It is important and necessary to introduce fuzzy set theory into engineering hydrology .
The NanKang river dredge management engineering hydrology calculation and analyzes
Finally , we find out that the coefficient between the evaporation tank and different types of evaporators useful to water resources analysis and evaluation as well as engineering hydrology calculation and design .
Transient electromagnetic method increasingly has been applied in the fields of engineering , hydrology and metallic mineral exploration .
And a large amount of new results in geology and mineral resources are obtained , which have been widely applied to mineral resources exploration , scientific research , education , engineering , hydrology , environment , tourism and agriculture , etc.
The present thesis extends Multi-resolution Analysis , which has been widely applied in engineering , hydrology and meteorology , to the multi-time scale analysis of economic time series in order to find out the regulations of the influence of various factors .
Its functions include the data share of the transmission line structure with engineering geology , hydrology and line electrical specialties ;
According to compositive factors , such as engineering geology and hydrology characteristics , demand of construction period , construction condition , machine condition etc. which supporting scheme should be adopted according as the different instances is discussed in filling sea area . 3 .
As the chief designer , the author of this theses has conducted the following researches and practices : ( 1 ) According to the engineering geology condition and hydrology condition , the breakthrough in the structure design of RCC arch dam has been achieved .